i wish all deaths were normal
or that they were from an illness
no animal was hunted by a human
no human was hunted by a human
i wish there was no prayer against a human
it did not matter who or where your god is
it did not matter if your pilgrimage is here or there
i wish there was no holy place
i wish the holiest place for every human being
was earth and peace of human being
كاش تمام مرگ ها طبيعى بود
يا كه حتى از بيمارى بود
نه حيوانى شكار مى شد به دستِ انسان
نه انسانى شكار مى شد به دستِ انسان
كاش هيچ دعايى برعليه انسان نبود
مهم نبود خدايت كيست و كجاست
مهم نبود زيارتگاهت اينجاست يا كه آنجاست
كاش هيچ مكانى مقدس نبود
كاش مقدس ترين مكان براى هر انسان
زمين بود و صلحِ انسان